

Page history last edited by Kippur 15 years, 11 months ago



A proud society with a strict hierarchy, Angels use their wings to their advantage to take over lower lying countries.



Basic Society


Angels are winged humans from the land of *To Be Named Later* .   They live in canyon and mountainous regions where their wings are of the most use. Rather democractic, they have a pecking order where the strongest or best suited are the ones that lead. Those in the lower castes have chances to move up in the hierarchy through luck and hard work.


Hard work is extremely vauled in their society because agriculture is difficult to mantain in their rocky homes. Often times a colony will have conquored a human city or settlement and force them to raise the food that they cannot raise themselves.


Higher caste members are often solidiers and those that can defend their colonies from invasion. Lower caste are the ones that do the mundane and drudgery.  Parents in the lower castes will sell a child or to into bonded servituded to a higher caste member to earn extra money to support the rest. Those sold children have the best chance of moving up higher as they are exposed to the higher caste members and given a chance to show their worth where if they stayed where they were they wouldn't be noticed.




The main characteristic of an angel is, of course, their wings. They are able to "hide" their wings, a skill they learn as they grow older. Hatchlings -the human equivelent to a child- keep their wings out as they aren't quite able to navigate the currents and ledges that make up their colonies. As they grow into their fledgling stage -teenager, young adult- they've learned about the currents and how to manuver and are taught then how to hide their wings. They have difficulty with this and when nervous or excited their wings will often appear. Once an adult they have no problems with their wings and are in full control. The adults are the ones who have the easiest time passing as human. Cultural and religious differences however will always mark them as non human.


Angels are also empathic to varying degrees.  Some are good at projecting emotions and others at recieving them. They can form temporary bonds with family members and team mates as well as permanent bonds for life partners. Angels mate for life. These bonds can be forced upon another and once made can't be broken. When something like this happens it is generally accepted with the idea of if they weren't meant to be together, it wouldn't have happened.


Finally, Angels have the ability to teleport short distances; about hundred feet at the maximum. They have to see or know where they're going before they can teleport.


Notable Angels



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